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StarSeeds of Freedom! Introduction

1 year ago

The introduction to STARSEEDS OF FREEDOM!, Carrington's new series exploring what freedom means and how to live free in a world designed to imprison you, with interviews and discussions with people from all walks of life.

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  • My book is free, no charge, it answers questions you had with SGAnon. William MD WilliamWyttenbach@gmail.com 😘🙏🌹🌹🌹 medicine, Anti-Aging/ medicine; Constitutionalist; Inventor; Writer, Musician,...old fart.. LoL ."..Life Is Like Music." Music ...is frequency and vibration!!! Everything is energy..energy vibrates..rotates..clockwise counter clockwise..creating polarities + positive and polarity -negative... Everything we experience in this life; sight, sound, smell, taste, touch; vibrates positive polarity...sub sub atomic bubbles of light...smallest essence.. Biblically,..."Let there be Light"...( Form)... Zillions of SSABOL ..(sub sub atomic bubbles of light)..SSABOL....make up one neutrino ( sub atomic particle ).. Zillions neutrinos make up One...Neutron..in an Atom... Splitting an "Atom" an atomic particle..fision Reaction..splitting apart..great release of energy! Atomic Bomb..or fision nuclear power plant...energy to power a city.... The " Psyche"...consciousness..it is negatively Charged.... - neg polarity... Remember high school science...opposite polarities pos/ neg ATTRACT ...same polarities...pos/pos...neg/neg repel each other... ...Now, A brief digression... Can you spontaneous feel Any Emotion without a preceding Thought ( consciousness)? ...answer is No. A preceding thought to re-member, re-connect you to feel that emotion... Can a person have a Thought without an Emotion?........Answer is yes. Rocks are hard, Water is wet, Sunshine is physically warm sensation, Wind moves leaves around,... I think ( psyche) therefore, I Am. Ponder,...perhaps we are in the image of the Divine Creator, given the gift of life as a spark of consciousness, light, love, a speck or spiritual DNA of our Divine. Imagine further,..Consciousness is: Conscious Consciousness Sub - Consciousness Unconsciousness Higher Consciousness Perhaps further...our physical body " organ called " a Brain" is like a transmitter/receiver ham radio. It is NOT your mi

  • Now, A brief digression... Can you spontaneous feel Any Emotion without a preceding Thought ( consciousness)? ...answer is No. A preceding thought to re-member, re-connect you to feel that emotion... Can a person have a Thought without an Emotion?........Answer is yes. Rocks are hard, Water is wet, Sunshine is physically warm sensation, Wind moves leaves around,... I think ( psyche) therefore, I Am. Ponder,...perhaps we are in the image of the Divine Creator, given the gift of life as a spark of consciousness, light, love, a speck or spiritual DNA of our Divine. Imagine further,..Consciousness is: Conscious Consciousness Sub - Consciousness Unconsciousness Higher Consciousness Perhaps further...our physical body " organ called " a Brain" is like a transmitter/receiver ham radio. It is NOT your mind. Mind is synergy of thoughts and feeling from each... Mind is a synergy of thoughts and feelings from each aspects of the FOUR components of our spark of consciousness: Conscious mind ( CM) Sub- Conscious Mind ( SCM)..Sigmond Freud Un-Conscious MIND ( UCM) Carl Jung Higer Consciousness Mind ( HCM) ..."...Music it Has High Notes And Low Notes. No Matter How High Or Low Your Notes May Be, Keep In Tune With God And You'll Never Go Out Of Tune In The Music Of Life! High notes....low notes...is simply different frequencies of vibration..like on a piano keyboard...low C note...up an octave..to a higer C note of vibration....and infinate higher octaves, even though the human ears, measuring devices cannot perceive them. There is in and beyond the physical...world a Law with Consciousness and Emotions. "Like Attracts Like" Keeping in tune with the Divine is so true!!! Lower vibrations of thoughts and emotions...will attract to you..out of tune with the Divine!!! A What if..for you to ponder? What if? There is really only one law from the Divine? "Consciously conscious ( CM) free will Choice and Focus... Create as much Fun and Success through out your lifetime;