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Are we really the image and likeness of God? What does the Bible really say? - you decide

1 year ago

Thank you for checking my channel and this Bible study.

This study was not put together to cause confusion, controversies, or anything like that. This is an examination of the scriptures to check what the Bible tells about "men are the image and likeness of God ".

This study goes over the teaching we hear in the church that men are image and likeness of God.

A long time ago, I read a comment made by an atheist. This atheist called out this error, however, the error was mentioned as "contradictions of the Bible ", when the Bible doesn't contradictions itself.

We, Bible believing people, are the only ones causing, creating, making contradictions. All this confusion are caused by us. All because we don't study. Hosea 4: 6 tells us we are destroyed for lack of knowledge, because we reject knowledge.

This study is one of the many to come that will correct so many wrong teachings that as taught as truth in the house of God.

#truth #bible #menimageandlikenessofGod
#Biblenews #endtimes #biblestudy #bibleverses
#bibleteaching #bibletruth


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