Men Register As Non-Binary For Women's Tech Career Fair

8 months ago

In this hilarious and thought-provoking video, we take on an article that's making waves for all the wrong reasons. Join us as we dive into the absurdity of a complaint claiming that young men attended a women's tech job fair by identifying as non-binary. 🤣

🔥 We're here to set the record straight: The tech industry, like any other, should be an open playing field where the best candidates shine, regardless of gender. Excluding individuals based on their sex or gender identity is unequivocally wrong. 🚫

Watch as we mock the controversy, that a news article was meant to invoke over a bunch mad lads thinking outside the box in order to further their careers in today's economy. 💼💪

👍 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe if you stand with us on this important issue! Let the best candidates rise to the top. 🌐

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