Off The Press | Today's News Minute October 3, 2023 - Dem Governor: Border 'Too Open' #breakingnews

8 months ago

Republican infighting takes center stage this week with Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz making good on his promise to challenge the speakership of Kevin McCarthy. Gaetz and a tiny group of supporters are angry over McCarthy’s budget deal with Democrats and are threatening to switch out speakers.

Growing violence in Washington, D.C., isn’t just hitting nice neighborhoods, but Congress too. Last night, Texas Democratic Congressman Henry Cuellar was carjacked at in the posh Navy Yard section of the city frequented by tourists. He wasn’t injured.

Democratic governors are starting to sound like their red state colleagues on illegal immigration. Many are now complaining to the White House that open borders are hurting their states.

And Pope Francis, preparing for a huge meeting of cardinals, has indicated that the Catholic Church is cool with same-sex unions, leading many to believe that sanctioning gay weddings is next.

Matt Gaetz Makes Good On Vow To Oust McCarthy As House Speaker

Shock crime: Democrat congressman carjacked in Washington’s Navy Yard

Democratic governors to Biden: Migrant crisis is 'untenable,' border 'too open'

Pope Francis opens possibility for blessing same-sex unions

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