Sweet Potato Harvest! But What is THIS?? | Urban Homestead VLOG

1 year ago

This is my third year to grow sweet potatoes.
First year, I had planted them in a grow bag and had great success.
Second year, I thought I would try to grow them in straw bales, but the potatoes didn't grow very big.
This year, I had a slow start as my slips wouldn't start. Eventually they did and I put some slips and some potatoes into a giant tree pot.
I wasn't sure if they would grow to any size or if they would grow at all.
I was very surprised when I found one of the potatoes growing the potatoes right out of it's skin!
It's quite the alien looking sweet potato.
#sweetpotatoes #howtogrowsweetpotatoes
#harvestingsweetpotatoes #shedwarsglobalgardening #shedwars23 #shedwars23W
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Welcome to my table of life.
My name is Maureen Washington and I am a new Urban Homesteader, with the dream to buy property to grow and live on a larger scale and to create a legacy for my Kidults and grandchildren.
I am also a Jazz and Blues Singer, on sabbatical whilst I learn about homesteading.
You can visit my 'music' channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/MaureenWashingtonmusic

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