October 4th National test

1 year ago

at 2:20 p.m. ET on October 4, 2023 — that is, midday tomorrow — FEMA and the FCC will conduct a nationwide test of the Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) system, prompting nearly every cellphone in the country to vibrate and make “a special sound that’s similar to an alarm,” even if it’s set to silent . (You also can’t opt out ). You’ll additionally get a message to reassure you that we are not being nuked or worse : “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed,” it will read in English or Spanish, depending on your phone’s settings.
You’ll hear it in the grocery store, a racket rising from the cereal aisle and checkout lines. You’ll hear it on the subway or on the bus, so loud and synchronous and sudden that strangers will exclaim, laugh nervously, or make eye contact in surprise. You’ll hear it in the office, where it will cut off meetings mid-sentence and jolt the hands of anyone pouring themselves a third cup of coffee in the breakroom. You’ll hear it even if you’re alone: an unfamiliar two part alarm from the spot on the couch where you left your phone, summoning you to see what is wrong.
My phone will be off and in its emp pouch 🤪😜😉🤔

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