Wow, Connecticut Limiting Number Of Handguns Law-Abiding Citizens Can Purchase & Much More

1 year ago

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The new Gun Control laws, signed by Democratic Gov. Ned Lamont, prohibits the sale of more than three handguns within 30 days to any one person and bans the open carrying of firearms and much more.

Effective 10/1/23 The state requires “safe storage” of all firearms at all times even if no minors or prohibited persons are present on the property.

Persons must have a pistol permit, eligibility certificate, long gun permit, or ammo certificate to purchase body armor

Large Capacity Magazine Penalties: It is now a class A misdemeanor for eligible persons to purchase a firearm to possess an unregistered LCM, it is still a class D felony for those who are not eligible to purchase a firearm.

As well as Pistol Permit Course Requirement Expansion, Failing to Report Lost or Stolen Firearms
and much more.

"We will not take a break and we cannot stop now, and we will continue to pass life-saving laws until we end gun violence in Connecticut. Our lives depend on it," said Jeremy Stein, executive director of Connecticut Against Gun Violence.

State Senate President Pro Tempore Martin Looney, a Democrat from New Haven, called the legislation a "very significant initiative" but stressed "the battle is not over."

Connecticut is vulnerable to states with looser gun laws, Looney said. He wants to pursue further limits on monthly gun purchases and require microlabeling or ammunition microstamping to help law enforcement trace bullet casings to specific firearms makes and modes.

Lamont, who proposed the newly enacted law, said he is interested in working with fellow governors in the Northeast to draft similar laws, given how the technology is changing so fast and Connecticut "can only do so much within our small state and within our borders."

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