The Possessed Legislators | Do they have a Divine Right?

1 year ago

#economics #idol #legislation

In the past it was the divine right of kings. The divine right argument isn’t pushed anymore, but the substance remains. Today, we have the divine right of legislators. As Thomas Sowell pointed out, they act as if they are the anointed ones. The masses accept their rule with passive obedience. Many might look at the divine right of kings as absurd, but the exact same exists today in disguise.

It’s preposterous how common this view is without acknowledging it. There is much done that couldn’t be done with a clean conscious if they weren’t possessed: taxes, counterfeiting, war, and the list goes on. It’s a complete disregard for other’s feelings. It’s much different when you see the legislators. They couldn’t look you in the eyes and say: I know you’re honest, but I must take money from you, and send your kids to war. These people never see you.

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