In 2024 El Niño Will Break Out, Prepare For Hellish Weather Events!

9 months ago

After years of praying to all the saints in heaven for a few drops of rain, the inhabitants of California found themselves unexpectedly grappling with devastating floods brought by Tropical Storm Hilary last August, which also hit Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada. The deluge triggered by Hilary caused widespread flooding and torrents of debris, with mudflows, boulders, and trees destroying homes and businesses, and engulfing motorists. To put it into perspective, the desert Death Valley received more rain in one day than it typically gets in a year!
This was absolutely extraordinary because hurricanes rarely hit California. The first one struck its shores only in 1939, and the last one occurred in 1997, more than 25 years ago. However, one thing is certain… Most of the storms that have reached the 'Golden State,' as California is called, have occurred when another cyclical force of nature known as El Niño was in full swing!
El Niño is not a new phenomenon, and its study has evolved over time to the present day. It's not an ocean current or a one-time nature's whim; El Niño is a cyclical event capable of altering the climate and many other parameters worldwide. According to experts, following the initial signs also reported by the Copernicus mission monitoring system - a complex Earth satellite observation program launched in 1998 by a consortium of space agencies - we can now say that El Niño is returning, and it's likely to be a grand return because its disruptions could combine with the ongoing climate change. The fear, in particular, is that a very strong El Niño event in 2024 could make it the hottest year ever reco

How can we deal with El Niño?
El Niño is a natural phenomenon that we cannot prevent or control. However, we can try to monitor its development and prepare for its effects, both individually and collectively.

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