How To Sell 20+ Cars Each Month Tutorial | Sales Training

1 year ago

In this sales training module, we go over how to sell 20+ cars per month using these 3 methods that are usually overlooked at dealerships.

1. Local Area Marketing: Do people know you? Do they know what you do? Can they advocate for you when you're not around? Do you have a strong enough relationship to where they send you business every single month? How do you take care of those customers?

2. Service Drive: How often does your dealership call on Service Drive clients? Do you even know what service drive is? Do you just call on your previously sold client to beg for referrals or do you actively stay in touch with them?

3. Well..... I can't give this part away - be sure to check 4:48 to know what it is.

If you’re looking for the BEST sales training videos that's easy to follow and understand on YouTube you’ve found it! If you want to make more Money selling cars & learn how to close any customer then Miko Bacomo is the sales trainer to study!

Inspiration came from Andy Elliott and team - be sure to follow them as well.

#andyelliott #salestraining #carsales #howtosellmorecars #tutorial

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