CS Baptism and Confirmation

1 year ago


Here at Investigations in Ritual Abuse, we remain committed to helping the LDS Church of Satan explain its ordinances. As such, we’ve produced a video featuring Roselle “R-Rested” Stevenson, Craig Christensen or Craig for Provo District 1 City Council, David “Scottish Castle Magic” Leavitt, and Joe “The Punisher and Potter” Bennion of Spring City. Sunlight and mockery are the best disinfectant, so we’ve donated a video of the aforementioned alleged members of the LDS Church of Satan explaining their peculiar twist on LDS ordinances like the blessing of newborns, their baptisms and confirmations, and the purposes thereof. All dialogue is taken from Rachel Lee Hamblin’s Victim Statement concerning her sister Miriam’s blessing, baptism, and confirmation in 1994.

Now, in America, you are innocent until proven guilty, unless you’re a polygamist boy or girl taken down to Spring City for the Church of Satan’s ceremonies. Then you’re just innocent, and innocent children make the best sacrifices. If you’re a female child within the LDS Church of Satan’s families, you’re just guilty. As Rachel and her sisters explain, even female toddlers draw out and entice grown men, which is why those grown men are powerless to abstain from raping two and three year girls. That’s allegedly what the LDS Church of Satan’s men-and we use that term loosely-told Rachel, Eliza, Katie, and Miriam Hamblin during the Eighties and Nineties.

Because of our commitment to educating the public, we’ve produced this video free of charge to the LDS Church of Satan. After all, David Hamblin and Roselle Stevenson have expensive legal bills mounting from their current criminal cases for raping two children. Craig Christensen is bearing the burden of a political campaign, and Joe Bennion wants you all to know that he has the money to fight this, but not a penny beyond the money to fight these allegations in order to avoid culpability for his alleged rape and murder of children over the years. We at Investigations in Ritual Abuse are sensitive to the financial plight of the LDS Church of Satan, because we saw it firsthand in our recent trip to Utah for a podcast.

The old Hamblin house down in Spring City clearly needs a new roof, and alleged CS member Mark Davis of Fiddlesticks is embroiled in a nasty divorce with his estranged wife Andi Pitcher. Divorces are expensive, especially when you’re dealing with an artsy woman who believes she is THE TROUBLESOME GODDESS. That’s actually what she self-identified as to me in a message.

Dave and Deborah Sheets were unavailable for comment when I knocked on their front door Tuesday afternoon. Samantha Thee wasn’t home at the old Hamblin house in Provo, but I could see into the old carport where David Hamblin supposedly dismembered a body back in the Nineties. I did two shows with Jason Preston of We Are the People and met a lot of really nice folks affiliated with the liberty movement in Utah. The first show on David Lee Hamblin should drop in two weeks, and the next show on David Leavitt should drop the week afterward.

To all the readers who donated and subscribed, thank you. Between your support and and We Are the People’s sponsors, I got to fly to Utah on boarding group C, Southwest Airlines, and thanks to a generous supporter on the ground, I stayed in a top class RV. I also got a Jeep Wrangler rental car with a diesel engine and a hybrid battery that got 31 mpg. I successfully resisted the urge to do doughnuts and burnouts for Jesus in the Spring City Cemetery. As 1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us, there is no temptation that overtakes us that is too great for us to overcome thanks to the power of Christ.

The Southwest Airlines peanuts were delicious, and I ate a great burger at Chili’s thanks to my old buddy from law school. There were also top notch homemade German pancakes, and a cantankerous toddler who initially hated me but I won him over to fist bumps by the end of my time in Utah. I also met a kid with a 3D printing press, but he wouldn’t make me a gun I could take through TSA checkpoints. Something about his mom, getting grounded, and the ATF. Oh, and I managed to eat at Kneaders for the first time, along with Feast Buffet. The teriyaki chicken was tasty.

Your support makes it possible for me to continue working on the Hamblin case, and to continue doing things like securing the current tenant’s permission to walk the property and take pictures of the old bunkhouse where Rachel Hamblin and her sisters were raped. I also walked through the Spring City cemetery and took pictures of dozens of gravesites for children who didn’t make it past five years of age. I’ll be writing about that later.

It appears that Spring City has a historic problem with infant mortality, as the majority of graves in its cemetery are very young children.

By the way, if you are a Satanist, or just a garden variety occultist, go down to Spring City and soak in the culture and ambience. Get some Mom’s Salve from Lee Bennion, or swing by Joe Bennion’s Horseshoe Mountain Pottery for pottery allegedly consecrated to Satan, if that’s your thing. Drive by the old Endowment House currently owned by LDS artist Randall Lake. It’s actually a pretty charming little community, even given the alleged horrors that occurred there according to Rachel and Eliza Hamblin. It’s also very LBGTQIA friendly, and I even saw a Black Lives Matter sign at the Mayor’s house.

I only saw one black person in Utah, though, and they weren’t in Spring City. She was nice, and she smiled at me as I was walking on the sidewalks of Provo.

I was regaled with tales of teenage girls in a Spring City ward who were deeply involved in the occult, and wouldn’t you know it, Joe Bennion was the only one who offered to help with the issue. He said he had an older daughter who had a problem with witchcraft. She’s a tarot reader, so she still has a problem with the occult. Who would’ve thought raising your children in a group called The Church of Satan would result in such outcomes?

If you can afford to subscribe, please do. If you can afford to donate, let me know and I’ll send you a link. Last month a lot of people stepped up and really helped make it possible for me to go to Utah and do work on the ground, and some of that work will be appearing in future articles on this Substack.

And if you’re one of the alleged members of the LDS Church of Satan who raped, murdered, and abused children in the Eighties and Nineties, this isn’t going away. Two of you are facing criminal charges for what you did, and the fine people of the Utah County Sheriff’s Office and Juab County Attorneys Office are looking to make sure more than two of you face culpability.

Sex crimes are notoriously difficult and expensive to prosecute, but kudos to Sheriff Mike Smith and his people for going after the likes of David Leavitt, David Hamblin, and Roselle Stevenson anyway. At IRA, we’re dedicated to doing what we can to help expose as much of the CS as possible in order to ensure that as many of their members as possible go to prison, where they belong.

Oh, and by the way, I showed my actual glorious, beautiful, wonderful face on the podcast. You’re all very welcome. I promise it was worth the year’s wait. I mean, I have to do a double take in the mirror every single morning, so I think you’ll have the same reaction. Every day I wake up and look in the mirror and ask myself “That’s the guy?” That’s exactly the reaction I expect from all of you.

I do apologise for the delay in posts, but preparing 170 slides for two podcasts, along with video clips, is time consuming. There’s also the on the ground work that I used the rest of my time in Utah to do, and my ongoing battle with the David and Deborah Sheets profile.

Thanks, readers and subscribers. Keep reading, keep asking questions, and keep sending tips. Your support enables me to do the work I was put here to do. The material is dark, but the fight is fun.

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