The CCP organized a college student drill, simulating armed police suppressing protests

9 months ago

9/29/2023 A video circulating online shows that during a military training performance held at Chuxiong Normal University in Yunnan Province, a group of college students dressed up as the CCP’s Armed Police “cracked down on” the protest held by the other group of college students, who played the role of migrant workers. The college student drill organized by the CCP, simulating armed police suppressing protests, seems to reveal the profound fear of the CCP towards the Chinese people.
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
9/29/2023 网传视频显示,在云南楚雄师范学院举行的军训汇演中,由一组大学生扮演的中共武警“镇压了”由另一组大学生扮演的讨薪农民工所举行的抗议。中共组织大学生演习武警镇压抗议似乎流露出中共对老百姓的莫大恐惧。
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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