The shocking reason I dropped out of college and chased my dreams

9 months ago



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Dropping out of college is a major decision that should not be taken lightly. While it may work for some people like Kanye West or Gary Vaynerchuk, it's important to carefully weigh the pros and cons. College provides knowledge, skills, and access to opportunities that can benefit your career. But it's also expensive and time-consuming. If you're passionate about a non-traditional path like entrepreneurship, it may make sense to stop out. But have a solid back-up plan. Evaluate your reasons for quitting. Are you bored or burnt out? Struggling with the coursework? Unhappy with your major? Getting support could help overcome these challenges. Research alternatives as well. A break, part-time schedule or vocational training may enable you to get applicable skills without completely abandoning higher ed. And an online degree may provide more flexibility. Speak with your academic advisor to understand how leaving would impact your credits, future re-enrollment and financial aid eligibility. Be strategic. The college degree still carries weight with most employers, so having at least an associate's can unlock doors. And core classes teach critical thinking skills that apply across fields. Before taking the leap, connect with mentors in your desired industry to get real-world advice. Networking is crucial when forging a non-traditional path. Have a plan to develop the necessary hard and soft skills, through online courses, books, internships and workshops. Treat your education as an ongoing process. Leaving college shouldn't mean stopping learning. Interactive online tutorials via Coursera, Udacity and edX allow you to gain job-ready abilities in coding, marketing, business and more—at a fraction of the cost. But a large portion of success comes from within. It ultimately requires drive, grit and the perseverance to put in long hours teaching yourself. Be honest about your motivations, strengths and work ethic before assuming you can thrive without a degree. Landing your dream job without one will take tremendous focus and determination. You'll have to be very proactive in seeking opportunities and be willing to start at the bottom. Even if you're an entrepreneur, the reality is you'll need to work twice as hard to gain the knowledge, skills, credibility and connections those with degrees have access to. So make sure you have the passion and stamina needed to hustle and sell yourself without that built-in advantage. If you’re dropping out because you already have a lucrative business idea or starred opportunity, that’s awesome! But have a solid back-up plan in case it doesn’t work out. Taking time to put together a business proposal, cost analysis, marketing strategy and funding plan can help test your concept’s viability. Before taking the leap, get objective feedback from experts in the industry you’re looking to enter who can poke holes and strengthen your approach. Don’t let fear hold you back, but also make sure passion or boredom alone isn’t driving this choice. Really examine whether your reasons are compelling enough to justify forgoing the many benefits of a degree. Take time to reflect critically on your motivations, skills, temperament and goals to determine if leaving college is the best move at this stage of your life. Regardless of what you choose, have the courage to chart your own course and define success on your own terms!

The description covers key points like carefully evaluating your reasons for dropping out, understanding the benefits you may be giving up, strategically developing alternate career skills and plans, being realistic about the challenges of succeeding without a degree, and emphasizing the importance of drive and continuous learning in order to thrive without one. It aims to provide a balanced perspective on weighing this major life decision. Please let me know if you would like me to modify or expand on this description further.

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