From DEATH to LIFE - From DARKNESS to LIGHT- Condemned to Exonerated. The LIGHT OVERCAME DARKNESS!

11 months ago

Join me in a personasl journey to the Disclosure of the TRUTH.. The Darkness Cannot hide from the light and the World is about to be JUDGED..Is the VATICAN A SNAKE WEARING a CROWN ?? Yes or No ???? If it is then you Know the testimony is TRUE and The ENEMY of the LORD God is full of Wrath..the Record Speaks for itself because the message is from the WORD and Is Sustained By The WORD ... Repent the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand...Time of the Serpents judgement is at hand..

You can download and view all his videos at

Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
Jonathan Kleck is the Angel of the Church of Philadelphia. Revelation 3:7-13.
All Glory to the LORD God!!

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