WAKE UP CALL! Educational Purposes - MUST WATCH!

1 year ago

This man concisely lays out the Globalists' heinous agenda and receives a standing ovation. From Pelham
12:22 PM · Oct 3, 2023
Views TicToc video

SMART Cities: S for Surveillance M for Monitoring, A for Analysis R for Reporting and T for Technology

Original source: hansonbarry
#HansonBarry · 1w ago
🔥Educational Purposes😎 Although 500k + people views and liked this video and it is actual footage of a conversation within a official place of voice, (democratic rights abided by) Sighting freedom of information and democracy I am reposting this here. #criticalthinking #democracy #freedom #rumble #donotcomply #wakeup

Bret 🍁
This man concisely lays out the Globalists' heinous agenda and receives a standing ovation.

People are waking up thanks to men like him who are fighting back. Massive respect for this.

Worth watching in full 🎯 https://twitter.com/Bret_Sears/status/1709242586702000493?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1709242586702000493%7Ctwgr%5Ea60c6cc4dea73454ac81ca4fef69d9b5bdb48d10%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Flibrti.com%2F

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