Trepang2 part 1: Secret facility, gun battles and violence!

9 months ago

Surprise! Welcome to our first episode of Trepang 2 (is that how you say it or is it Trepang squared? To the second power??) Either way, this game is not f_cking around! After a brief stealth section, you find a pistol and some armor, then sh_t goes down and it barely stops! You're facing teams of soldiers armed with SMGs, shotguns, rifles and riot shields soon enough... that's when the security chief isn't sending his elites, grenade-happy b_stards with better armor who can spot you in the dark! Join us as we fight our way out of this facility. How did we get here? Who the f_ck even are we? Let's find out!
#trepang2 #console #ps5 #fps #fast #firefights #singleplayer #campaign #stealth #ambush #combat #explosions #grenades #cloak #smg #shotgun #pistol #rifle #commentary #brothers #humor
Mr. Nobody-
My fantasy novel!

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