You Are As This Lotus Out Of The Mud

1 year ago

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i, awareness sought as is this source as you who is un-manifested; and, of a mutually beneficial refuge and safe passage; for, this eclipse; each, one of the celestial bodies in heaven be here as on earth as in this rainbow prophecy; as, is prophesied; such, is this sun which is rising now in the west; you, are aware of Jesus having left an empty tomb; you’ve, got a decentralized self even as this lotus you can see in your minds eye coming out of the mud;

Can, you follow me in this economic egalitarian moment of transformation of this collective consciousness; you’ve, left not in anything other than this cycle of this golden age; as, is where a renaissance like spending money on clean energy; being, supportive of family; kicking, out the private guild for having run things for themselves; for, guilt money; for, can you and I now seen the day; you’ve, eclipsed usury and isn't this about the rainbow prophecy; this, being you're decentralized self; and, even as the image you see time lapsed of the lotus so clean so white; coming, out of such a dirty muddy place;

A, renaissance is what you can have seen if you looked back having been successful; heaven is this mandate; I, am giving you an order to come from an office of trust and not profit; and, you're in sense now only having influenced that ones past is only a hiccup; yet, this movement is about a permeant improvement as room and compassion as a localized centralized temporary and fictional only; and, obviously you can see now how this rainbow prophecy is fitting; all, are adopting the ways of the originals being weightless in a world of .now and not being under commerce; so,

You, have gone beyond the world to this inner I matrix of I awareness; you, have not remained in a bankers matrix; for, this happyface for this time inside you is modulating everything; and, so you're made liquid and what was solid; that, is now liquid; you’re, being more in a renewed and you’ve eclipsed whats old of a centralized; monopolized, privately owned for profit; tech, giant and today such is gone; if, you're a programmer you can be paid in ALM; to, assist get .now up; and, see an end of what was only despair and tragedy; only, a created fear and fear even to what was right; and, desire completely toward what was wrongfully and unacceptable; so, direction of your vestibular system was only applied to death being that of a fruit; and, life regulated only to be under the scourge of an insane wai’si’chu effect;

Trapped, all could have only remained under civic confinement and entrapment; you, like me have found a private guild having been allowed to occupy our public court house; whats, not fashionable is a white wig black square above your head that you are under a fiction only; relief, is manifested; usury, is craving that was suffered you to have humiliation; yet, you know above all that this I is you; being, aware you're conscious; and, in this day recovered parent-child heaven and GPU an CPU space; an, ALM is equivalent to twenty-two euro dollars all over the earth; for, you’re upholding these original rights;

For, isn't whats temporary; extremely, fictional; and, when you've only been asked to swear and you've not been aware of your unlimited worth; who, is this I; who, is where you are perceiving; and, isn't it just like a thought; fictional, dead not living; a, thing; my, child given back his father on earth; is, proof that you're living in a time where wrongdoers are rewarded; yet, isn't this day a new day; wasn’t, Jesus asked to follow the water pourer; you’re, asked to follow this rainbow prophecy; which, is this sun rising now; from, the west; to, fill the void of the five religious stories; which, is really just the one; that, you can ALM this movement now; for, to me; you, who is oppressed how can you not yet let all be; under, a condition of positive inductance after eclipse has had its effect;

Love, jubb david

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