Operant Conditioning

1 year ago

Are You Aware That Most Of You Is Surrendered To Operant Conditioning?

Evolution, and aspects of our learned physical reaction; can, be more about you having been observed operating outside the box; intelligence, is the ability you and i have to have gone beyond any pre-fixed set pattern of response to have survived; free, will and individual choice; you, should question; for, is it possible you have heard many are operating from a paradigm only; and, the challenge with;

A, paradigm is; that, it is a set of rules explaining or coding sensory input; creating, a paralysis through deletion distortion and generalization; also, you can know that pre-cognitive commitment can have coded the nervous system; so, that glass ceiling and walls removed from where mosquitoes were held; shows, only some mosquitoes ventured outside where the glass ceiling and walls were;

Behavior, targeted; can, have been “triggered”; which, can have inhibited or excited by way of an overall conditional design; incurred, via various application of punishment (avoided); and, constructive reward (toward); that, can have been reinforced in you; did, you know that via positive conditioning that is repeated; it, is less likely to incur that which is negative; which, was what was being repeated;

So, regardless of your soul’s intent; previous, operant conditioning occurred; a, natural response followed; for instance; a, conditioned sanction for the undesirable behavior; may, have been imposed causing avoidance; and though you could visually watch information being presented in one channel; and, in another channel a polarized set of information simultaneously and sequentially;

Being, incongruent with each other; and, whether you’re conscious or in a state outside wakefulness; you, can see beloved taking a certain track; and, i want you to know a physiology involved in the syntax of behavior; and, it’s not that it is in a way that’s mystical; magical; or, superstitious; Operant, conditioning can have been influencing you without having you having been conscious of such;

And, how you perform in life and business can have strategy; so, as to accelerate to necessary levels that effectively organize and develop; a, trust in your environment socially built; whole, brain functioning is about modes of patterning; that, allow you and i to live more in whole of ourselves; and, you can live life more abundantly;

where, as punishment only has led to a learned helplessness pretty much; and, for it does not model a more excellent response; so, via a successive modeledness being; a, reinforcement can be gained of the desired outcome; where, as superstition would’ve only been taking coincidental occurrences as confirmation;

Focus, on excellence; be, flexible; be, in uptime; you, could learn how to marshal, sequester and flag what is important; do, you chunk info down to bite-sized pieces; do, you want to learn more?; Visit, http://jubbdavid.com/eclipse; and, download the Path of Hollow Bones now; you, have looked inside; you, can take personal responsibility for the genesis of peace;


ECLIPSE; is, a movement; restoring, common law and constitutional currency; mobilizing, protected disclosure of official misconduct; actively preventing, and alleviating needless suffering in the face of emergency;

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