Special Report - The Origins of the Corona Virus | Current Events, The World We Live In

9 months ago

Welcome to this eye-opening special report by Pastor Chris Morgan. In this video, Dr. David Martin, a renowned biological weapon expert, delves into the shocking truth behind the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19). Discover when, how, and by whom this virus was engineered as an infectious agent and its weaponization against humanity.

Learn about the historical timeline dating back to 1965, when the coronavirus was first identified, and the surprising developments leading to its manipulation. Dr. Martin presents compelling evidence that debunks common misconceptions about the virus and its vaccines.

This thought-provoking analysis challenges conventional narratives surrounding the pandemic and sheds light on crucial events that have been hidden from public discourse. Join us on this journey of discovery and critical thinking.

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#COVID19Origins #Vaccines #PandemicTruth

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