A Lawyer Is Suing The Feds For A Copy Of Biden Marijuana Rescheduling Letter

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Welcome to High at Nine News.

With your hosts, Jason Beck & Rico Lamitte, joined by industry correspondents and daily antics from around the country.

We talk about important topics, shining light on global issues and discussing cannabis as it relates to: Politics, Regulation & Reform. Data & Technology. Science Research & Medicine. Family & Parenting. Art, Celebs & Entertainment. Fitness, Sports, Mental Health & Wellness, Plant Based Medicines & Entheogens. Together we are building a stronger community, fighting the stigma & creating change.

Coming to you live Monday through Friday at 9 AM Pacific time and High Noon on the East Coast. Thank you for getting High at 9 with us!

Rico Lamitte
Jason Beck
Gretchen Gailey
Nicole Buffong
Todd Denkin
Saman Razani

Why small cannabis businesses are at risk if SAFER banking bill passes

Colorado agency awards first loans for marijuana social equity businesses

A Lawyer Is Suing The Feds For A Copy Of The Biden Administration’s Marijuana Rescheduling Letter

1 Oct 2023 New cannabis laws coming for South Africa

Michigan Drug Testing for Pot Ends for Most Government Employees

Children in hospital after eating cannabis sweets

Marijuana users found to have lead and another heavy metal in their blood and urine

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