Qurran - Surah 3 Al Imran

1 year ago

This chapter is named after the family of Imran (Joachim), which includes Imran, Saint Anne (wife of Imran), Mary, and Jesus

Regarding the timing and contextual background of the believed revelation (asbāb al-nuzūl), the chapter is believed to have been either the second or third of the Medinan surahs, as it references both the events of the battles of badr and Uhud. Almost all of it also belongs to the third Hijri year, though a minority of its verses might have been revealed during the visit of the Najrān Christian deputation at the event of the mubahala, which occurred around the 10th year of the Hijrah.
God is one and self-existent
The Quran to be believed
God omniscient
Plain and obscure verses of the Quran
The prayer of those versed in Quranic mystery
The punishment of Pharaoh a warning to infidels
The victory at the Battle of Badr alluded to
The faithful, their character and reward
Islam the true religion
and discused more in this Surah.

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