Sleep! If we aren’t sleeping, we can’t be healthy or heal! Avoid melatonin or other sleep aides…

1 year ago

Sleep is a multi-dimensional problem, usually involving blood sugar, cortisol/stress, neurological patterns, and many other factors. Our favorite impact products for sleep and healing are Relax and Calm, Digestive Blend, and Pure CBD Fluid.

We have used certain formulas in practice for almost 2 decades with thousands of people, measuring their blood, other labs, receiving testimonial after testimonial, changing many people's lives. It's incredible how many people have heart burn, abnormal blood work, constipation, chronic diarrhea, low energy after meals, gluten sensitivity, lactose intolerance, chronic fatigue, bloating after meals, etc etc etc...

See the enzymes/Digestive Blend in action with the pudding demo here:

Digestive Blend Family Size: Also consider the Relax and Calm, and Pure CBD Fluid.

There are 3 types of enzymes, and our bodies produce 2 of them! So when we supplement with food based enzymes, it takes stress off of our digestive and metabolic enzymes that literally run our bodies! Think of enzymes as the catalyst/spark to allow our nutrients/vitamins/minerals to actually help our body's! Without enzymes, we would literally drop dead!

Rarely should we take things the body is supposed to produce. If we do, we create a bigger problem as the body is a "use it or lose it" device. Stop exercising, lose muscle. Take testosterone, my brain shuts down my organs and eventually depends on external testosterone. Melatonin is no exception, rarely I will have someone supplements with this, we need to address cause and help the body heal, not simply give the body what it is low in.

Learn from our 20 years of experiences! 99% of the supplements/nutrition in the world I would not feed to my dog, once you understand the industry tricks, deception, sourcing, processing, storage, parts of the plant that are therapeutic, etc etc etc…

Stop Treating Symptoms! Not many doctors truly understand how to address the causes!

Shop Link: Reach out for a potential discount code, subscription savings, and/or Free Shipping with $99 orders.


Disclaimer: This disclaimer applies to all and any content in this or outside of this profile in regards to Dr. Tim Harrigan, Chiropractic Physician, anywhere in any types of media. This presentation is meant for informational purpose only. Any communication or presentation is not meant to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. The content is solely the opinion of Dr. Tim Harrigan, BSc, Chiropractic Physician. Please speak with your healthcare provider regarding any change in your healthcare plan. The information contained anywhere should not be construed as a claim or representation that any procedure or product mentioned constitutes a specific cure, palliative, or ameliorative for any condition. The FDA has not evaluated these statements. Products and/or information related to, or contained in, or referenced, are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

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