A small synchronicity but that feels like we are on the right path

8 months ago

I was working yesterday when I received a message from a friend from Pesaro, Italy, asking if he could call, I was busy and I couldn’t so he sent me a photo of him and a girl, he owns one of the new and growing Italian specialty coffee shops so I thought that the girl was some big name in the industry so I make a joke saying that I don’t remember her being one of my ex girlfriends and that’s when the voice message he sent me …… makes me laugh and gives me hope in a day where keep my inner frequencies high was hard.

The girl was someone I worked with and done some barista training a while ago in Islington, I forgot she was from Pesaro and she was there just for coffee and talking about people in coffee in London they ended up talking about me.

A synchronicity is always great and when you look back to the dots you see how all is connected, recently I noticed that she liked some of my coffee photos and videos and somehow felt special, it should have felt special cause it was leading to this, to the meeting with my other friend in Italy so that I knew was an important sign that we might all be on the right spiritual path.

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