REALTORS: Your Proven Plan To Get 5 Referrals Now $$

1 year ago

Welcome back to America's #1 Daily Podcast, featuring America's #1 Real Estate Coaches and Top EXP Realty Sponsors in the World, Tim and Julie Harris. Ready to become an EXP Realty Agent and join with Tim and Julie Harris? or text Tim directly 512-758-0206

Today's podcast will give you an exact plan to generate 5 referrals from your friends. COI and past clients now. 

a) You have your contacts organized in some sort of CRM. The best CRM is the one you know how to use!  (If you're with EXP, use KV Core). 

b) You are coachable and will follow this plan exactly for 5 weeks, no excuses, modifications or exclusions!

c) You aren't interested in throwing your money away on random leads or impressions and you'd rather be nurturing people who already know you!  Those are your friends, past clients, professional sphere of influence, and new people you meet and add to your database.

IMPORTANT: Join #1 Real Estate Coaches Tim and Julie Harris's Premier Coaching now for FREE. Included is a DAILY Coaching Session with a HARRIS Certified Coach. Proven and tested lead generation, systems, and scripts designed for this market. Instant FREE Access Now: YES, Enroll Me NOW In Premier Coaching

THE PLAN.  How to Get 5 Deals in 5 Weeks: 

1.     Record one simple and short video. In the video, you will do two things.  First, a simple market update. You can find this in your weekly or monthly reports from your Board of Realtors.  Next, you'll offer to send a free, comparable market analysis to see what their home is worth in today's market.  Text or email you to receive your free analysis asap!  Send this video to everyone in your CRM. 

*Even if you haven't organized your database yet, you can still send it to at least 100 people in your smartphone contacts.

*When you get a request, first CALL the person before you do the analysis. Ask why they are curious: interested in selling, or refinancing or are they just curious?

2.     At least two times per week for the next 5 weeks, take a past client to coffee or lunch.  Use your F-O-R-D script (Family/Occupation/Recreation/Dreams) to get caught up with them and be sure to ask who they know who could use your help buying or selling real estate.

*Bonus if you can meet at another past client or friend's coffee shop / ice cream shop / bakery or restaurant!  Connect your sphere of influence whenever possible!

3.     Make FIVE Contacts per day to your past clients and sphere of influence, five days per week for five weeks.  A contact is a conversation with a decision-making adult about real estate.

4.     Go to at least THREE meetups per week and talk about real estate.  These can be organizations, clubs, going to the gym, volunteering, or taking classes on something you're interested in.  

*For example, 2 times per week at Orange Theory or CrossFit, attending your HOA meeting and going to your kid's school event.  

*Bonus if you can make your meetings about real estate in some way:  Maybe you'd like to be involved in your town's historical society or architectural review committee.  Mix it up so you meet more people.  Add them to your CRM.

5.     Send at least FIVE handwritten cards per day. Send thank you or congratulations cards.  Use Social Media to get ideas.  Who has just gotten a promotion, gotten married, had their kids graduate, recently moved or has a birthday?

*Use quality stationery and commemorative stamps so your card looks more like an invitation and is sure to be opened! 

ALWAYS follow up by PHONE and with urgency when you get responses to these five strategies!

Stick to the plan 5 days per week for 5 weeks and report your results back to us! Message us on Instagram or email us directly!

If you'd like even more support and camaraderie as you implement this plan, simply join Premier Coaching by visiting and signing up for free today.

WARNING: 2023 Housing Market

QUESTION: Agents, Are You 100% Ready For 2023, Do You Have A Proven Success Plan? If Not, Do This: Join the #1 Award-Winning Real Estate Coaching & Training Program FOR FREE! Yes, This Includes Daily Live Coaching! Join For FREE Now. Reclaim Your Life & Break Free Of Worry. The Path To Success Is One Click Away.

JOIN Premier Coaching For FREE Now.

P.S. Limited Offer. This Is A Personalized, Live Coaching Program. Limited To 250 Agents. 

*We will also explain how to systematically approach each source, and recommend resources and discounts for you.




00:00 - Intro
01:11 - Join Exp Realty
04:17 - Long term drip campaigns
08:40 - Harris Rules
12:57 - Proactive lead generation
17:28 - Centers of influence
22:54 - Your community
27:33 - RedX
34:18 - Like and subscribe

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