NEW Real Estate Scripts (and Techniques) For THIS Market!

10 months ago

Welcome back to America's #1 Daily Podcast, featuring America's #1 Real Estate Coaches and Top EXP Realty Sponsors in the World, Tim and Julie Harris. Ready to become an EXP Realty Agent and join Tim and Julie Harris? or text Tim directly 512-758-0206

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Real Estate agents, today we're going to talk about how to handle some basic questions you'll hear all the time in your real estate practice.  Don't be a secret agent anymore.  Talk about real estate all the time.  Set more appointments, and close more deals.  

4 Rules:

#1: Always be positive.

#2: Concentrate on who you're talking to.  Make it all about them, not about you.

#3: Your mindset is always about how you can be of service.  Be a problem solver.

#4: Remember that people move because of THEIR circumstances, not because of the market conditions.  There are always opportunities to help people buy or sell real estate. The market is shifting, not crashing, so keep your drama tucked in!

4 Common Questions and how to answer them:

Question #1:  How's the market?

Do NOT say:  Well, it's come to a real screeching halt lately with my showings, ever since rates changed.

Do NOT say: My last closing was a real nightmare. You won't believe what happened!

Do NOT say: I'm waiting for it to crash like everyone else.


The market is changing but it's still great.  I've been really blessed to help so many people over the past year.  I'm glad you asked.  I've set a goal of helping 3 more families buy or sell real estate this month.  Who do you know who could use my help?

What are you most curious about?  (Listen to their answer).  

Question #2:  How long have you been in real estate?

Note: The more professional you are, the less likely you'll get this question.  Dress well, learn your scripts, and know what's actually happening in the market versus just the headlines.  Knowledge = confidence, Ignorance = fear.  Have some talking points.  

Back to the question.  How long have you been in real estate?

Do NOT say:  Well, I just got my license last month.  -or- I just won the Platinum Award, 

-or- I've sold more homes than anyone in my office.  

DO say: "Seems like forever! It's been such a fast and furious market lately.  In fact, I've set a goal of helping even more people this month.  Whom do you know who I should be helping?

Question #3: How many homes have you sold?

(versions of this question):

-this year,

-in my neighborhood,

-in my price range.

There are different ways of answering this professionally, depending on your experience level.

If you're a grizzled veteran, no sweat, you have great answers.

For everyone else, the newbies, up-and-coming agents, and agents who are out of their comfort zone price range or geographically:

Use your company stats.  'We've sold x number of homes here in __town/subdivision__. Tell me more about your real estate plans!'

Question #4:  Anything you don't know about...(insert question here!)

"That's a great question, Bob... I'm writing this down and I'll have an answer for you by this evening.  What's the best number to reach you tonight?"

This is just a sampling of the most common conversational questions you'll run across, assuming you're not a secret agent and are talking about real estate all the time.  There are many scripts,  basic and advanced, that make you a more confident agent.  Get involved in Premier Coaching and advance your skills quickly.  Confidence gets you into action.  We'll see you during your daily coaching sessions!

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