They Live By Night (1948) 1440p - Cathy O'Donnell | Farley Granger | Howard Da Silva | Noir/Crime

8 months ago

"They Live by Night" is a 1948 film directed by Nicholas Ray. It is a classic film noir that tells the story of a young couple on the run from the law. The film is based on Edward Anderson's 1937 novel "Thieves Like Us" and is notable for its portrayal of the doomed romance between its two protagonists.

The plot follows the lives of Bowie Bowers (played by Farley Granger) and Keechie Mobley (played by Cathy O'Donnell), two young lovers who find themselves caught up in a life of crime. Bowie is a young escaped convict who is trying to make a fresh start, while Keechie is the daughter of a criminal. When Bowie and Keechie meet, they fall in love and decide to run away together.

As the young couple tries to build a new life, they are pursued by the law enforcement and criminal elements from Bowie's past. The film explores themes of love, crime, and the pursuit of a better life, all set against a backdrop of the gritty and unforgiving world of 1940s America.

"They Live by Night" is often praised for its atmospheric cinematography and the performances of its lead actors. It was one of the early examples of the "lovers on the run" subgenre in film noir and has influenced many subsequent films in that style.

The film is known for its sympathetic portrayal of the central characters and its exploration of their yearning for a better life, despite the obstacles and dangers they face. "They Live by Night" is considered a classic of American cinema and a significant work within the film noir genre.

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