Ministers of Reconciliation: Foundations of Deliverance & Inner Healing

8 months ago

Day 1 Training Replay is ready!

A recap from tonight's training (Deliverance & Inner Healing Foundations):

Jesus is coming back for a pure, radiant and spotless bride. We need to have our oil ready (reading the Word, being filled with the Holy Spirit, and getting set free from any stronghold that keeps us from being fully intimate and set-apart for Him!). Inner healing and deliverance allows us to be healed and rid of any stronghold that could keep us from being ready for our Bridegroom.
Walking and praying with authority is part of our inheritance as believers. We just have to learn how to activate it.
It is important to know how to steward our healing stories. If we choose to share the intimate details of how God heals us with just anyone, the seed of healing and deliverance can be stolen from us if people tear down our story or the method of our healing. Jesus is the Healer and He heals however He wishes. You do not need approval from anyone for the validity your healing.
Inner Healing & Deliverance GO TOGETHER. It is unwise to try to do one without the other because we need discernment to know when we need bring the healing power of God on someone and when we need to cast out an unclean spirit. Wounds cannot be casted out. If we do not address the full person and the spiritual roots appropriately, demons can come back and feed on the issues that are present.
Jesus came to set the captives free and to bind up the wounds of the brokenhearted. We are called to emulate Jesus and do greater works than He did. We are all called to freedom in Christ and to set the captives free in some capacity.
Christians cannot be ‘possessed' by demons, but they can be oppressed in areas like their will, mind, and emotions.
When we see ourselves or someone else dealing with the same issues over and over again, it is important to discern the spiritual roots of the issues. Focus on Jesus and seeing them as Jesus does, not the sin.
There are many levels of healing and it is all done on the Lord's timing. It is important to be on the Lord's timeline in healing and to be patient with His work in us and others.
There are specific strategies God has given us to come against the schemes of the Enemy. We can be equipped to walk in full freedom.


1) Spending time with Jesus and asking Him questions often reveals to us what we are facing and how to come against it. He also shows us if our attack is linked to doors we have opened to the Enemy (like unforgiveness), or if the root issue is a soul wound that needs to be healed.

2) Renounce the agreements you’ve made with fear, hatred, sexual sin, unforgiveness, etc. Repent and ask God to give you words of truth and comfort.

3) If the Lord reveals there is an attack, name it. Specifically attack and come against the issue with the truth He speaks to you (His word, or the words He speaks over you in your listening prayer).

4) Send the enemy or spirit to the judgement Jesus has for them.

5) Speak out the truth of what God has to say about you, who He is, and speak life into your situation.

Here are the resources I mentioned this evening:

1 )The Healed-Called-Empowered Inner-Healing Program & the Ministers of Reconciliation Leadership Program have opened up! Each program has limited space and there have been several applications already submitted, so I encourage you to apply now if you are feeling led to be in this upcoming cohort. If you are still not sure if you are ready to apply, but would like to pre-register and have priority among applicants, you can go to the pre-registration link so you can have first priority among applicants. If you end up registering for one of the programs before Thursday, I will be giving you a special gift (beautiful prayer journal by Grace Co.) The spots will likely fill, so I encourage you to begin praying about this today.

Pre-registration will be open till Wednesday night and I am providing a bonus gift for anyone who applies early and is accepted to the program.

2) Prayers and of Promise & Protection & Walking out Your Deliverance Manual:

Get the tools and strategies to pray with authority against the enemy's attacks using God's word and crafted prayers.

3) We had some issues with technology this evening. If you would like access to the presentation slides, I am adding them here!

4) See you tomorrow morning for Intercession at 5:00AM PST/8:00 AM EST and our next training at 4:30PM PST/ 7:30PM EST. Our topic is: Soul Ties, Word-Curses, & The Occult!

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