Mastering The “Matrix” Through Self-Empowerment

1 year ago

Hi, I’m Shelby!
This is a lecture I did on September 24, 2023. My intent was to share my viewpoint of how to take back your “power” by understanding what has happened to get us to this point of ultimate self-sovereignty and by using simple yet powerful techniques that I’ve learned through my transformation journey.

If you’re interested in anything I offer feel free to contact me and book a session.

I hope this helps and resonates, I implore you to do your own research and keep an open mind to all the information you receive. Remember we are all human and nothing is right or wrong, trust the truth you feel in your body/heart. When researching or listening to someone, know that the information/viewpoints/their facts is “their” own, create your own but be open for them to change.

✨Here are some videos with great information✨


Sacha Stone: Voices of New Earth-

Close Encounters of The Firth Kind-

Out of The Shadows-

Im aware that some wording throughout my lecture needs clearing up so I listed it below.

•Rothschild name meaning- derived from the German zum rothen Schild (with the old spelling "th"), meaning "at the red shield"

•The Organic Act of 1871- A Separate Government Formed. On February 21, 1871, Congress passed an Act titled: "An Act To Provide A Government for the District of Columbia." also known as the "Act of 1871." (See "Acts of the Forty-First Congress," Section 34, Session II, chapters 61 and 62.) With this act, and with no constitutional authority to do so, Congress created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia, a ten-mile square parcel of land.

•What Top Five Corporations Own Everything-

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