22 June 2023 - Midweek Musings with FiFi & Sam..mp4

9 months ago

22.06.23. Midweek Musings with FiFi & Sam.
Topics of discussion include: Fi being in YouTube jail for speaking literal truth about the W.H.O; the passing of the Public Order Bill here in the UK, which just goes to show how desperate the obselites are to try and deter people from exerting their human right to voice dissent against the governments and corporations doing their bidding;
the shift we have noticed in the receptivity within the public to things that would have previously scoffed at as being merely 'conspiracy theory', but are not so easy to dismiss as they are now undeniably playing out in front of their own eyes; the remarkable resilience and strength the human species possesses and our ability to retain our humour and humanity in the face of such evil. We are in the midst of The Great Remembering of who we truly are, something that cannot be stopped! 💥🔥⚡️

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