My Son Is In ICU With Lung Collapse And On ECMO. Why Has The Tracheostomy Procedure Been Delayed?

1 year ago

My Son Is In ICU With Lung Collapse And On ECMO. Why Has The Tracheostomy Procedure Been Delayed?

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So Katrina has her son in intensive care on ECMO, now I will read out what Katrina wrote in her last email to me. So Katrina says it’s been six weeks now since my 36-year-old son was admitted to the ICU. He has blood clots on his lungs and the brain bleed. He received an ECMO for three weeks, and now he’s still on the ventilator. A tracheostomy was scheduled but he has lung collapse yesterday and he can’t hold steady oxygenation. I am really starting to get worried. He isn’t well enough for a CT scan. I am really scared. Please help me to understand what’s happening. And is there any hope.

So thank you, Katrina, for writing in and for being a client. So Katrina, here is the thing when your son has had some lung clots and some brain clots, so chances are that he would have been on heparin to thin his blood because, you know, if there must have been a circulation issue because otherwise, he wouldn’t have had those blood clots in the first place.

But you see, it all comes back to you don’t know what you don’t know, which is the biggest challenge for families in intensive that they don’t know what they don’t know, because intensive care is such a highly specialized area. And for any patients, let alone for a patient on ECMO.


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