EP20 | Beyond The Brink | Bitcoin Spot ETF | 10/01/23

9 months ago

EP20 | Beyond The Brink | Bitcoin Spot ETF | 10/01/23
In the U.S., major financial institutions like Blackrock, Fidelity, and Invesco have applied with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to launch ETFs. As of Sept 2023, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has yet to approve a spot Bitcoin ETF

What is a Bitcoin ETF? https://decrypt.co/resources/what-is-bitcoin-etf-explained-guide-learn-easy

"The role of ETF's in the world is transforming investing and we're only in the beginning of that" Larry Fink I don't think he's only talking about #BTC    what do you think?

What is a SPOT ETF?

CNBC Clip referenced during the show:

"7 or 8 competitors will launch the same day" Mike Novagratz "Pushing Bitcoin ETF. Folks, this isn't your crazy uncle telling you to buy #BTC these are professionals geared up to "sell" the public on diversifying into digital assets!" Me #Mainnet2023

Mike Novagratz clip from the recent Mainnet 2023 conference

Several senators wrote a letter urging SEC to approve a SPOT ETF

Letter to Chair Gensler

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