Order 3,000 flyers 📄 for 3rd Ward Write ✍️ in My Name José López Common Council 🗳️ 🗓️ 🪧 November

8 months ago

Order 3,000 flyers 📄 for 3rd Ward Write ✍️ in My Name José López Common Council 🗳️ 🗓️ 🪧 November 7th 🕘 6:00 am to 9:00 pm 🕘 City 🏙️ Cohoes N.Y. flyers 📄 registered 👤 voters in 3rd Ward Wants Change Something New & Different Elect 🗳️ Me. José López Want Keep Old & Past & Same Ways Elect 🗳️ Other Candidate. Real Questions? is Care on Early Elections 3rd ward one ☝️ citizen Voter 🗳️ Primary day June 27th 46 citizens voter 🗳️ including myself and other candidate. https://www.albanycounty.com/departments/board-of-elections

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