Simple Tip To Increase Bench Press

8 months ago

Bench Press Tip! 🔥

Ever wondered how to get a sturdier base for your bench press? The secret is in the scapula retraction. 🏋️‍♂️ Pulling those shoulder blades together not only gives you a solid foundation but also boosts pectoral activation and protects your shoulders.

Quick Chest workout (Screenshot & Save for later)

Quick Chest Workout
* Warm-up:
* Jump rope or light jogging for 5 minutes.
* Arm circles and dynamic chest stretches for 3 minutes.
* Flat Bench Press:
* Target: Overall chest development
* Sets: 4
* Reps: 8-10
* Rest: 60-90 seconds between sets
* Incline Dumbbell Press:
* Target: Upper chest
* Sets: 3
* Reps: 10-12
* Rest: 60 seconds between sets
* Chest Dips (If you have parallel bars available):
* Target: Lower chest and overall chest development
* Sets: 3
* Reps: 10-12 or until failure
* Rest: 60 seconds between sets
* Push-Ups:
* Target: Overall chest development and endurance
* Sets: 3
* Reps: 15-20 or until failure
* Rest: 45 seconds between sets
* Dumbbell Flys (Flat Bench):
* Target: Inner chest and chest width
* Sets: 3
* Reps: 12-15
* Rest: 60 seconds between sets


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