Christopher Wright fatally shot in Chattanooga, Tennesee

8 months ago

38-year-old Christopher Wright was fatally shot in downtown Chattanooga, TN when a black male shot him in the head at point-blank range.

Darryl Roberts, 57, was charged with first-degree murder.

"Police reviewed video of the incident and said Roberts was in a red shirt and dark-colored pants talking to another man near a stairwell at Patten Towers. They said the video showed Chris Wright walk past the two men, then turn back to talk to them. He then walked away from them about 30 feet south, then again turned toward them but did not approach them." according to

"Roberts then walked toward Chris Wright, produced a gun, and shot him in the head at close range. The victim fell to the ground."

Wright was described as a prominent businessman who was in the area for a Baylor School reunion.

Impulse control remains a serious problem in America's urban jungles.

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