Reusing Container Garden Soil & Winter Soil Storage Techniques

1 year ago

As larger scale container gardeners, we often get the question about whether you can re-use your container garden soil from year to year. The short answer is, yes, absolutely you can re-use your container garden soil.

We've been re-using our container garden soil stock for nearly a decade at this point. The point of this video is to show you the various techniques we've used to solve both storage and some of the aspects of "soil renewal" that we practice.

So, if you've been wondering about this question, this video is right up your alley! Even if your container garden doesn't scale quite as large as ours, the techniques and methods that we talk about should hopefully spark some ideas for you! As we say in the video, the scale isn't what's important.

This effort saves us thousands of dollars every year, it's be totally impractical at our scale not to re-use our container garden soil. So, if you're looking for ways to save some money on container gardening, this is the number one thing that we'd suggest you implement!

If you're looking for how to source Geobin's, they can be purchased from Amazon or from the manufacturer:

As usual, we also have a full written article to accompany this topic, should you be looking to deep dive a little bit further:

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