I Enlightened My Sweetheart Concerning My Seizures At The Absolute worst Second

1 year ago

I Enlightened My Sweetheart Concerning My Seizures At The Absolute worst Second

His name was Mike, and he was ALWAYS doing thoughtful things for me. He complimented me, not just on my looks, but on how smart I was, how funny, how talented. He came to all my track meets to cheer me on. He watched all my favorite movies. He made me dinner, sent me flowers and chocolates, and left card in my locker about how wonderful I was.

I thought I’d hit the jackpot. Mike was handsome, his family was rich, and he was a genuinely nice guy. How often did a girl land a guy like that? Sometimes I got a little uncomfortable with the amount of money he spent on me, but he said he could afford it, and loved doing nice things for me. I was in heaven.

We’d only been dating a few months, so there were still some things we didn’t know about each other. I’d been putting off telling him I have epilepsy. It’s pretty well controlled with medication, but it’s not exactly sexy to tell someone that you occasionally have fits where you get confused and your limbs jerk uncontrollably. There just never seemed to be a good time to bring it up. So I just kept praying I’d never have a fit in front of Mike, and continued to enjoy having the best boyfriend ever.

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