More jackmusk 2.o fun, Wrecker Plea, OIPRD, More Bell Cybercrimes screwing insights!

9 months ago

This is merely a lazy edit with more insights of further trespasses against me from X and more Bell screwing me garbage!

See original Goldfish report fun on X linked below_

Will fill in more when i can but for now this is more for the wrecker company i shall be emailing shortly and this will be added on to all the other content from recent videos but as i said with all the bunk they do here as well the laptop about done and with no help from anyone here it is what it is i know!

Hopefully more shall actually help with the flyers i am handing out but who knows anymore when i can't half tell this story and so many are too brain washed to even know what a "god" is and forgot their obligations as "humans", so many have it would seem!

Thank you to any who may have helped and see the other videos in the about section of my channel for more details to help your family and friends and those other children the satanic government of Canada has stolen from their parents!

More as well at link below_

If you can help save the car please click the link below_

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