28. Mode of Education

1 year ago

A humanities-bent
Person has a natural scent
In psychology, law, literature and history.
Careful movement in this trend
Can promote to the ascent
To Olympus with the knack to gain a victory.

If you have this set today,
You should not be led astray
By math, physics as well other exact sciences.
It will be enough to stay
Your attention that they may
Be in use, let's say, in household appliances.

Come up with a clear plan
To become (without sham)
A great writer, poet, artist or historian.
Or, if someone is a fan
Of biology, he can
Be a chemist, a physician, a grain-grower man.

A technician should receive
Information how to live
With aesthetics understanding its significance,
And besides that need to give
Him the useful skill to sieve
And discern degeneration from distinctiveness.

He can realize his dream
Of becoming the ace in
Architecture, engineering or astronomy.
In fact, if you want to win
You ought not to do a stream
From the learning process, joining the herd’s colony.

It's required to regard
Your abilities and
Not to bring yourself by learning to hysteria.
Try to spot from the life-start
And make use of your trump card
To get into the top list of something area.

Education has to lead
A trainee to get indeed
A self-thinking and go-getting individual
Who with strong and fair creed
To be able to succeed
And distinguish what is false and what’s original.

In addition to free will
We should train a useful skill
To look at the situation in the aggregate.
People should be taught to feel
And apply in life with zeal
A self-study basic method for creating fate.
And thus you come out at
Such essential level that
Fills your being with continuous enlightenment.
This way doesn't drive you mad
As you frequently do what
Gives you pleasure and a great sense of empowerment!

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