渦輪癌 / Turbo Cancer

1 year ago

Dr. WilliamMakis:
威廉馬基斯 博士

渦輪癌(極速癌症) 是一個最近才出現的術語,它真實地描述了,在接種過 COVID疫苗 的個體中出現的「侵略性的癌症」。

它出現在20多歲、30多歲、40多歲的年輕人身上。我接觸過最年輕的病例,是一名12歲的男孩,他接種了一劑 Moderna疫苗 的四個月後,發展為第四期腦癌,六個月後便去世了。

Dr. William Markakis, Ph.D.

Turbine cancer is a recently coined term that literally describes the “aggressive cancer” that develops in individuals who have been vaccinated against COVID.

It occurs in young people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. The youngest case I worked with was a 12-year-old boy who developed stage 4 brain cancer four months after receiving a dose of the Moderna vaccine and died six months later.

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