We're in the Middle of a Global COMMUNIST Coup — Here's How We're NOT Gonna Stop It - This CORPORATE globalist coup d'etat will ONLY be stopped, WHEN WE THE PEOPLE REMOVE ALL CORPORATE "governments"!

8 months ago


• The World Health Organization's upcoming pandemic treaty and the International Health Regulation (IHR) amendments are part of a global “soft coup” to strip nations of their sovereignty and people of their bodily autonomy and freedom
• The WHO wants to put into law a requirement that nations must censor their citizens, so that only public health messages aligned with the WHO’s recommendations can be shared
• The IHR amendments specify that the WHO will dictate which drugs countries must use, and which they cannot, in the event of a pandemic — and possibly outside of pandemics as well
• The IHRs have been in existence since 1969, but in the current draft of the IHR amendments — the WHO’s recommendations — become edicts that must be followed rather than recommendations that nations can ignore at will
• The treaty demands the fast-tracking of vaccines, along with liability waivers for vaccine manufacturers. The EU, U.S. and CEPI have already proposed a plan to develop vaccines in 100 days
• The treaty will apply to all nations that sign on, all the time, even when there are no pandemics

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