Chinese fans cheer for both sides! No Asian Hates, No US Style Racism

9 months ago

Video: Chinese fans cheer for both sides! No Asian Hates, No US Style Racism, say delighted athletes. Home team? Foreigners? First place? Last place? The good-natured audiences at the Asian Games in Hangzhou are cheering everyone. Also, one of the leaders of the Olympic Games is at the games, and admits to being highly impressed. 視頻: 中國球迷為雙方加油! 沒有亞洲仇恨,沒有美國式種族主義, 興奮的運動員說。 主隊? 外國人? 第一名? 最後一個位置? 杭州亞運會,善良的觀眾正在為大家歡呼。 此外,奧運的一位領導人也出席了比賽,並承認給他留下了深刻的印象.

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