If Biden had won narrowly – TIP 3

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If Biden had won narrowly – TIP 3
By Terry A. Hurlbut
Over the past three days, CNAV has shared the Trump campaign’s evidence for the Democratic Party being the actual threat to American society and norms. (Once again: the Trump campaign said democratic norms when they meant republican.) They introduced the Transition Integrity Project, the left’s worst-case scenario tournament showing how easily they could get Donald Trump out of office and out of public life. Yesterday CNAV shared its evaluation of the TIP’s war game scenario, whose initial conditions most closely matched actual 2020 results. Today CNAV will examine another of TIP’s four scenarios, one assuming Joe Biden won more narrowly.
A Biden narrow win instead of a clear win
To review briefly: the Transition Integrity Project played out four war games, for four different Election 2020 result sets. CNAV will not analyze these games in the order TIP gave. Because Game Two – a clear Biden win – most closely matched the reported results, CNAV will sort the games in order of increasing Trump strength and analyze them in that order. For that reason, today CNAV will analyze Game Four – which assumes Biden winning with:
1. A victory margin in the popular vote of less than one percent, and
2. 278 electoral votes (with 270 needed to win).
And as before, CNAV will share the TIP project document, so that the reader can follow along.
This game starts with Fox News calling the election for Biden. Interestingly, Team Trump (see Part Two for an explanation of team names) opened by encouraging the legislatures of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan to certify alternate electors for Trump. Of course Teams Biden and Dem squawk – and Wisconsin’s legislature refuses. (No doubt White Cell rolled the dice to rule that out.) But Pennsylvania and Michigan agree to this.
Investigating a possibly stolen election
The Justice Department began a “noisy” investigation of voter fraud, and Team Trump pushed the message that some person or persons unknown had defrauded them of victory. Then Team Trump pulled the first dirty trick: they reported, without basis, that Joe Biden has suffered a heart attack. Team Biden assured the country that he had not, but Facebook did not “take down” any Biden heart attack posts.
Nevertheless, repeated dice rolls had Biden keeping his lead. So Team Trump sought to create chaos. They encouraged local police forces to “break up Black Lives Matter and pro-Biden demonstrations.” They also encouraged patriotic militia elements “to confront liberal protesters.”
Team Biden got “moderate Republicans” to disaffect from Trump by reason of these “ugly and divisive” tactics. Sen. Mitt Romney (RINO-Utah) tried to convince Republican Senators to line up behind Biden. They would not, at first, but Romney persisted and convinced three of his Republican colleagues to recognize Biden as victor. (The TIP document did not name any specific Senators.)
Then Team Biden organized protests of its own. Four million people took part in these demonstrations – but “violent skirmishes and vandalism” marred them. (An interesting expression, that, for the breaking of shop windows and the like.)
That’s when the Joint Chiefs of Staff “leaked” that they had been discussing such a scenario among themselves. Among other measures, the Joint Chiefs considered threatening to resign if Trump did not cease and desist.
Comes January
Came January 6, and the House and Senate both agreed to certify the election for Biden in the face of all challenges. (Note: no big rally or Ray Epps “Into the Capitol!” event took place in this game.) After that, the “right-wing media” embarked on an interesting campaign of their own. Infowars “doxxed” several of Biden’s electors, and “link[ed] 88 of [them] to [George] Soros and 14 to child sex trafficking.” Rush Limbaugh took part in accusing Team Biden of accepting unspecified help from Communist China. “Right-wing meme pages” (no names) featured reminders to “support and defend the Constitution … against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” (Emphasis added in the TIP document.)
Trump actually refused to leave the White House on time. He burned documents and other “potentially incriminating evidence,” and issued a slew of pardons for himself and members of his administration. Finally the Secret Service escorted him out of the building promptly on January 20.
Trump then started a TV network (probably a stream). He called for Biden’s immediate impeachment. Biden (according to this game) first tried to offer Trump a way out. But when Trump wouldn’t get out, Team Dem started criminal investigations of Trump and his family.
Biden then offered national reconciliation, thus:
By early January 2021, Biden has begun the tasks of uniting the country and trying to pull America out of its lingering COVID-19 related economic and public health crisis. He articulates a series of packages focused on infrastructure and healthcare / COVID-19 and actively seeks to involve Senate Republicans in the process. The Biden Campaign also announces that moderate Republican governors Larry Hogan (Md.) and Charlie Baker (Mass.) will be nominated to serve in his cabinet. The President-Elect also establishes a joint investigation from the House and Senate Intelligence Committees to examine all forms of foreign interference in the 2020 election.
Would Biden or Trump have behaved this way?
Fox News was compromised anyway, and fell all over itself calling the real Election of 2020 for Biden. So this initial condition is eminently reasonable to assume, even had the margins been as narrow as this game assumes.
Again, the game assumes:
• Guilt on the part of Trump and his family, for venal shakedowns at least,
• Fanaticism on the part of everyone immediately surrounding Trump, and
• Absolute, unassailable and unquestionable integrity of American elections.
But Game Four reveals two other assumptions, namely that:
1. Biden would seek reconciliation. Note that Team Dem, not Team Biden, starts investigating Trump. And:
2. Social media are not inclined to censor Trump, or anyone propounding conservative themes.
Both assumptions fall before the evidence. Joe Biden is a vindictive old man, out to destroy anyone who dares oppose him. Or he would be, were he in complete possession of his faculties. CNAV has every reason to believe that he is not. But That Speech of September 2, 2022 proves his vindictive nature.
Social media have been State actors since beginning in 2018. The Intercept revealed this shortly before Midterms and seemed to celebrate, not decry, this attitude on their part. The Twitter Files provide further proof, and the world knows that Facebook hired as many spooks as did Twitter. Therefore Facebook would never leave up posts suggesting that Biden had a heart attack when he didn’t. (They would take them down even if true, just as they took down true accounts of COVID vaccine adverse events.)
Trump’s lawyers tried several times to get those in authority to investigate election fraud in key States. These included not only Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan but also Georgia, Arizona and Nevada. Trump carried all six in 2016. (Mike Lindell, of My Pillow fame, insists that some kind of chicane went on in all fifty States.) So the fanaticism assumption also falls. Far from being fanatical, Trump administration officials proved feckless and cowardly.
Mitt Romney’s behavior in the game is exactly of a piece with his attitude and behavior in real life. He and four other nominally Republican Senators threatened to quit the Party last July. Those other four were Senators Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), John Thune (North Dakota), John Cornyn (Texas), and Todd Young (Indiana). Game Four had Romney convincing three Republicans to break ranks? Four would be a more likely number – and specifically, these four.
That the TIP would cite child sex trafficking as a possible canard against Biden electors raises an immediate question. Namely, what do those people know about child sex trafficking by and among the American elite? Recall: when Sound of Freedom released on July 4, immediately the left-wing media accused its:
1. Producers (Santa Fe Productions),
2. Distributors (Angel Studios), and
3. Leading man (Jim Caviezel, who portrayed Homeland Special Investigator Tim Ballard)
of promoting Q-Anon theories. (One reviewer who panned it, has a history of calling for the normalization of pedophilia.) If these people never thought about an American elite, including some ranking federal officials, indulging in pedophilia, they would be asking whether any of it might be true – not denying it shrilly and accusing the accusers of promoting “conspiracy theories.”
But: four million people, taking to the streets to support Biden, would be anything but peaceful. The Biden campaign might get four million people among Black Lives Matter. They probably did get that many, during the Long Hot Summer of 2020. The directors, staff and game players at the Transition Integrity Project surely knew this. After all, those often violent demonstrations took place during their game play sessions.
Rush Limbaugh lived to see Biden usurp the White House, and then died. He would be likely to accuse Biden of getting help from China – and would have the evidence to back it up. Rush Limbaugh never said anything without sufficient evidence.
Alex Jones wouldn’t bother “doxxing” electors. After all, everyone knows that electors are living, breathing rubber stamps, nothing more. Trying to intimidate them is a waste of time. It would be a double waste of time after the electors had already voted and sent in their lists. But of course the TIP would throw off on him and Limbaugh both. They would dox, and they would accuse people, maybe not of child sex trafficking, but definitely of stealing large amounts of money in the stock and other securities markets. Which is where many of them make illicit gains, and at least some in Congress know this.
Why Donald Trump has never built an Internet streaming show, CNAV cannot guess. They could easily join the Klowd TV network, or build their own streaming app for the Roku API. (Roku’s managers famously refused to take down the NRA-TV channel.) Instead Trump built Truth Social, which is still active. But he might have done better to accept an account on Gab Social, which probably will grow faster.
Notice again that the game players portray Trump as burning documents and destroying evidence. Trump did not burn anything, but he has transported many documents out of the White House. He did this on his last day, and left no question of trying to barricade himself inside. A man conscious of guilt, burns documents. A man conscious of innocence, and of railroading on bum raps, preserves them under his exclusive control. Which is what Trump did.
Finally, the national reconciliation program on Biden’s part totally strains credulity. Biden has appointed nothing but the most radical people he could find to all Cabinet positions, and as judges. (Case in point: Ketanji Brown Jackson.) Biden has given nothing but the back of his hand to Senate Republicans. And he has instituted no investigation of the possibility of foreign interference with or in American elections. Why should anyone expect him to investigate that which propelled him to victory?
Once again, the Transition Integrity Project proved their divorce from reality. They assume guilt on Trump’s part, because they would do it themselves (as their President is now doing). In fact, everything they assume about their enemies, applies to them.
Part Four will continue with an examination of a hypothetical ambiguous result.
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