Mosaic of Truth Episode #4 Biosphere of Purpose

9 months ago

Mosaic of Truth by Allan Bass unlocks a treasure trove of spiritual wealth. Its simplicity of statement delivers a depth of revelation throughout and captures the reader with instinctual response. With ancient issues presented in fresh language, an inner vision of life- changing proportions lies within its pages. This work soars above mere liturgy and dogma into the heights of dynamic realization. Each chapter unfolds a progressive view of the Creator's deepest purpose with the invention of a God-shaped species. As a self-portrait of God, we are designed to become a high-resolution image of divinity, written on the canvas of our humanity! Unlike books written from a predetermined context of handed down information, this book opens to its readers a transparent window into the human struggle for fulfillment and the discovery of ultimate meaning. Its cohesive momentum culminates in an elevated impression of eternal destiny that melts away the reader's frustration with this present life. By pondering its meaning, the revelation within these pages is sure to become a milestone of spiritual reality. Those with appetites demanding spiritual substance and intimacy with God will find this book's message a feast fit for royalty and a Divine Template for inner transformation.

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