Magna Carta and United States Constitution Investigation: 22/09/23

1 year ago

Magna Carta and United States Constitution Investigation: 22/09/23

the security clause article 61 omitted during young Henry 3rd’s reign- Vatican manipulation

Look in on King John Signing the original
and inside information as the new version was signed

Because I am writing a musical on this. And how this influence the US constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Are these good enough to carry forth? Can we pick up the goodness and move forwards- in particular is the magna carta worthy of study?

5.09 I get into the investigation:
To take me into that time and place to witness and discover. With my greater self to discover information which is useful and valuable.

Tents and a knight (chain mail). People discussing, tenants flying on white tents, rugs, seated areas and trestle table. I ask to listen-in and find discussions.

I see a spirit whispering in the ear of the King- looking like a cartoon of a court jester. A voice within the head of this King.
I see the and with the cygnet ring seal, a feathered pen, scribing in the signature. The wax is sealed. A look of furtive admiration- between the barons and knights. “this did happen!”
Slapping on shoulders, shaking of hands and gauntlets ad nod to the monarch. He rises, they pull away. A second copy is made for safe keeping- a fast horse and rider to take to Winchester/Canterbury/Windsor Castle

10.29- I jump forward to see the young king Henry III
I see from a great heights protesting child- the king- aged nine. “the age of tantrums- if you have absolute power.”- which he was led to believe he had.
His mother still looks comparatively young ( I find out afterwards with research that she was 28 when her son was aged nine.

The man wearing the Canterbury or “biretta/bireta” four cornered black hat is ‘advising’ him, telling him it is being, ‘tidied’ so that ‘more people can read it’ !
The child king has people read it for him….maybe he hasn’t had time to study the required latin for this , yet….
The biretta-wearer is our Vatican representative. And a white-mitred bishop is also present. I wonder how both vatican representative can be present and the anglican church until I realise England was still under papal catholic rule….so local and Vatican control were both present.
“The pressure of the hand on the shoulder- there is a hand on the shoulder…..
I don’t think he is even remotely aware that certain clauses have been omitted.
He’s being told it has been damaged, and therefore a re-issue is required.
13.54 I look to see any dissenting parties, whether they were silenced or absentee.
It is commonly said that nowadays, only four of the originals articles ( which were written for perpetuity….) stand in law. …

14.24 I fast forward to 2000 where the 25 Barons/Lords from the House of Lords presented the article 61, took the security oath…explain
Four of whom signed the deed- the 25 removed themselves from the oath of fealty, so that they could dissent against the crown which had been committing perjury in the wish to to negate national interests in favour of EU ( and U.N.) interests.
16.59 I command my spirit to take me there to see if I can learn anything useful.
“it was a surprise move- like many days, there were not that many people present. Although eh news did catch on: rumours and been spreading. No-one had been paying attention to this for a long time.”
I was always told as a child that we have no constitution.
18.09 The press was definitely silence. I see a female police officer in the uniform of that time- navy blue. Severe.
18.21 I command my spirit to take me to that place in time and speak where they may be information to be understood:
18.54 A solitary tree beside a road in the dark, near tot eh Windsor Castle. Someone was horse-riding. ( I find myself in that person’s shoes, wearing victorian costume, holding the bridal of the horse. ) She looks like Kate, Duchess of Windsor.
20.09 I jump to Anugraha- formerly Dell Park, at the edge of the Windsor Great Park, owned by the Schroeder family- bankers. I just saw myself fin a passageway beneath the ground of the many rumoured to have existed there with connections to the castle. its damp and I bear a torch. I open the door with a key and enter into part of the dungeons in the Windsor Castle. ( It is huge.) There are many tunnels bath the castle. Someone is being smuggled through. But I feel I have not enough relevance.
22.34 I ask to know more the relevance of the Magna Cata to today, bearing in mind all theories we have been told. -About who the ‘royals’ actually are. I am looking to see how to connect the dots.
23.34 I ask if any of the darker ‘royal’ practices involving the killing maiming of children were active then, at the time of the signing of the magna carta.
The ‘buggery’ of page-boys as a ‘norm’. Nothing so hellish as in recent time. Abominable, yes, but considered the norm, for conditioning young heirs as servants. I don’t however see the human hunting parties at the time of John- but I ask to look deeper.
24.24 They had a much purer lifestyle. They had their beer and their mead and their wine. They were manipulated with a little bit of gold, jewels and some ambition against each other.
24.53 inner earth: Shambhala, Lobsang Rampa, Radu Cinamar, my Zog Milo & Teal books…I am asking to see the connection between the Castle at Windsor and the Inner Earth….
25.53 I explain I actually know the castle quite well because of living near there and my sister’s lessons with the wife of the organist and my brother at the school, St George’s.
26.14 I saw a hole opening up in the ground, in roughly 2000. It seems to have been an invasion, as Ashayana Deane explained the “Bridge Zone’ projects of merging and dissecting timelines and earth-parallels as we attempted to free ourselves from the matrix system of the ‘wrong overlords’.
27.09 During 2000 much activity of taking over was a timeline shift. I ask if the Royals were corrupt before this time? I am told it is akin to Harry Potter: the rise and fall of the dark lord, and the building of such momentum. So not all and not all the time, but definitely some kept these awful traditions alive. Sometime there was more ’parasitic occupation’ than other times. Waves of possession as veils were thinner at different times.
28.39 We have a few stories, such as from Cathy O’ Brien, ‘leaking through’. it was concentrated in specific geographical regions, where it was near the surface, yet it was always happening. And then we saw this darkness being ‘virally spread’ so that we are now in a ver different state. As well as a flux of people awakening to their shamanic tools. So we are seeing the two polarised sides in the most dramatic form that we have had.
29.29 Why did the barons decide to ‘activate’ the article 61 of the magna carta in 2000?
The European Union, the UN and the WHO were beginning to take over.
29.67 I look at the ‘quality of spiritual power in these documents’: the original Magna Carta, the Henry III version and the U.S. Constitution -measuring the ‘Spiritual caliber’.
31.39 Magna Carta 9.5/10
the Henry III version 7.4/10
and the U.S. Constitution (14, which i believe is because of the numbers of people writing it) I then get ’11’, but choose to go with that, and it’s also amusing….obviously my Spirit liked the Constitution as a ‘progress’.
33.29 Measuring the ‘British Constitution’ when the Barons took their stand in 2000. We are told we do not have a constitution. measured 7.6.
I decide to have a look at what changed this in recent history:
Everything looks dire (2…or a 1….) but…..something has already come about to change that. We have two co-existing strands of where we might be going: positive or negative.
35.09 Ask for any remaining useful info., so that I may create stories that are good ( this is research for my Magna Carta/US Constitution musical).
35.20 Hence the Jacquie Phoenix (Common Law campaigner, upholder of Magna Carta Law, Canadian-born, currently working in the UK). She has great passion regarding Article 61, and what the barons did in 2001 and what was necessary to sack the Queen and begin the accusations of treason against the country of the government. The will of the populace is not being fulfilled. - Council Tax, selling off the Utilities ( water, electricity, transport)

The question is the devaluing of the individual self-worth back to worse than feudalism. At least then people had a piece of land. They were allowed to farm cultivate for the good of the family, although they couldn’t travel much due, much in part, to the necessity of looking after the animals. But now life has become very much more complex.
36.49 What has Jacquie Phoenix brought to the table, with hesitation of Human Rights, transformation of the government and bringing in the sovereignty of the people?
37.06 “Sovereign Nation, under one God- that would be a good thing. She does shine brightly like a flame. The thing is, we have such complex, such complex lives, such complex systems, levels of slavery and entrapment. It seems almost impossible to free ourselves from the way we have built our economic pillars and systems.
What does Jacquie Phoenix stand for? The Burning down of all of the old….I hear the words, “St Germain, “Gold’, and that is the story of NESARA/GESARA, that there is this large amount of gold ( Comprised out of our C’esta Que Vie trusts- our sovereign wealth.)
37.48 Imagine….in this British nation I currently live in, there are people from all ‘corners’ of the world, form the commonwealth countries. All happy to live here- doing dull predictable jobs, others wanting to innovate, the merchants, the sellers, the crafters, the teachers, the artists, all these different levels of humans, so many millions of them in this little place…how, when we get this influx of wealth distributed, how will that enable people to live?
I look at a street in London, and imagine how it looks when the world as we know has collapsed. When this new system based upon the sovereign value of the human being, when everyone is given gold, or value or wealth…how does that equate?
I am not seeing the consciousness short- it can only happen with he consciousness shift. So let’s zoom forward ( in time0 because this is important: if the essence of something from that Magna Carta- the symbolic essence fo the ‘worth of a person’, and a governing structure which is for the good of the people, - in the same way the US Constitution ( hopefully, we hope, in that same way was designed in that same purpose: the worth of a person, the good of a person, the health of a nation (union), and all its people, …if this is to be the guiding forward movement in the world today: in the United Kingdom, in the Commonwealth, in the United States, HOW is it to be? What is the level of frequency change, and how will that affect people, if that is what has to happen first?
40.15 Instantly, what I get , is a state of people with their mouths open- that, “argh!” That stillness of stopping; like a moment of stop-motion, STOP! Everything stops, everything stops…and form that stopping, what falls away are….that which is not important. Imagine if everybody you knew, right in one second of shared time were all confronted with the question, “What is truly important to you in your life?”
You would say…that which you LOVE. So if everything else was to stop, and to fail and to disappear, because it is no longer given attention; you would have only, those people , those structures which symbolise “that which I love”, instantly that is a different kind of structure ( in and of the world ) that I see. - that is the tenet.
41.20 So then we go back into the Jesus-Christ-Collective idea of, “Love yourself, love your neighbour as you love yourself”. If there is love, for yourself, for your neighbour, then things work well: if there is a flow of love, then other ‘stuff’ can’t get in.
Imagine those awful streets that we hate- for example, in London, why would happen to a city like that, where there is a change, and the change is, “what doe sLOVE do now?”
Much of it is simplified: think of all the ‘vying’ in the marketing and the advertising, that would simplify. You would just ‘be’ the Gem shop, if you wanted to be the Gem shop, and people would come if they wanted to come. And you would do it because you love it, and for no other reason. So, you would not have quite so man shops, but the ones you had would be of a different calibre. Signage would be removed, busy-ness slightly reduced. All of the extraneous litters of poorly-produced things would disappear: things made with more care, with more love, with craftsmanship, is a different story. there would not be that excess, that waste. Because if you do it because of love, and truth and beauty and wisdom, you have a very different system at hand. Literally the neighbourhoods would transform- they would transform.
That’s why people like, ‘Tarot by Izabella’, sees people go back to their countries. If you love your families and your cultures, it would make sense to go where you can have more of it. And if you had wealth again in those counties, you could go back there and make a good life. AlSo there would be aha movement of people. So I see a more ‘sparse’ quality in these places, and therefore the beauty comes through. That’s interesting.
43.09 When LOVE becomes the dominant ‘constitution’, when we rise through that barrier, when the dark possessors fall off us, and the only choice is the logical choice for love,( I mean, goodness, truth, beauty, wisdom), we have a very different system.
Yes, would we still have gins? Yes. Sometimes, to kill things. (interesting…) Some things… there is a “killing” and there is a killing: there is one where there is a oneness of the spirit with the animal, and therefore that spirit and you have made a pact. And the spirit’s body is to be used in a beautiful way- and not just for food or for skin, or for all sorts of things. But it must be done in a way of ‘touched, heart to heart’- it’s a strange thing, isn’t it?
So some of our darker things would remain, but used in a different way. What of the prisons, would they remain? They would change to places of change where you would learn- they would be more like universities, our prisons. You would be given choices and guidance and direction, but it would be more about learning than the punishment that we have currently. - Again, it’s a financial system. What about the ‘health system’? Because it’s compounded by the “mammon’, by the money, it’s not about the success of health. The wonderful, miraculous recoveries - you take away the ‘health industry’ corporations of manipulative greed, and you have instead, a beautifully-made product, that helps somebody: that’s an entirely different system.
44.49 So we are looking for nothing less than a complete blow-off of all the darkness, - is that possible? That is the question! Well, thinking of the lightness and the quietness of the time of King John, - yes, there were swords in sheaves, there are crowns and chainmail, there were weapons but, it was a quieter time. It was a choice to strike out that blade of steel. it was a big decision. Those simpler days have been reflected in our future: it’s about the consciousness of the choice made. It’s not about using chainmail and swords again, I don’t mean that. There will still be computers of different types but they would be - like i’ve seen on Zog (the future version of earth I have written extensively about ), organic computers. Yes, possibly wired into your biometric but, where you most definitely are in charge- and not it. And there is no interference from anyone else, unless you allow it consciously, which you can also shut off. - The ‘organic pods’ as I called them in my Zog stories. Yes, useful.
A very different story to what we are being forced on now, with ‘transhumanism’- the opposite of that story. This natural harmony I am attempting to show- to show the cross-over ( in the musical I am writing, for which this investigation issuing conducted…)- and I want to show it through the love story of how this was introduced- these qualities, this value, into he new way of being.
46.09 So, I see I will have to study the constitution ( it got those high marks, originally in its conception, 11/10 now 7.6/10 :) ), and see what beautiful values and qualities I can find in there. - And therefore show that, with more love, it can be brought to a 10/10 for today.”

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“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”

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