Joe Pags Hosts Dr McCullough: European Vaccine Sentiment Turns on Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex

8 months ago

Dr. Peter McCullough appeared on the Joe Pags Show, September 27, 2023, covering his EU Parliament address, European sentiment toward the failed COVID-19 vaccines, Pfizer corruption at VRBPAC since December 10, 2020, and much more. Pags points out the COVID-19 vaccines are still not fully FDA licensed and remain government property. We should always have free choice and never tolerate mandates for experimental government genetic products. Dr. McCullough calls out false claims by Dr Fauci and makes it clear that myocarditis is far more common and severe with mRNA vaccines as compared SARS-CoV-2 infection alone. Fauci, Collins, Farrar, Andersen, Holmes, all conspired in 2020 to mislead the world on the origin of SARS-CoV-2 an engineered product from an NIAID Dr. Ralph Baric UNC-Wuhan Institute of Virology as published in 2015 and 2016 in Nature Medicine and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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