Carry On My Wayward Son by Kansas ~ The Prodigal Son Returns Home to God

1 year ago

Kerry Livgren is the Lead Guitarist and Songwriter for the Great Heartland Band, Kansas, who were Creators of Dreamscapes rather than conventional albums, and thru Kerry's lyrics, they were Front and Center in Teaching the Ancient Freemasonic Art of Alchemy, which is the Inward Science of Seeking Eternal Life and God, Within You...

Throughout the years, Kerry has always had a strong fascination for the Greek Classic Legend of Icarus and his Father Daedalus, and the Warning against being in a Rush to Take Heaven by you know in the Alchemical Legend, Daedalus warned Icarus NOT to fly either too Low or too High, but rather in the MIDDLE WAY to keep safe...but Icarus would not listen, as having just broken free of the Labyrinth Maze, Icarus sought the SON of God, and Flew far too high, causing the Bee's Wax holding his Feathered Wings together, to Melt, and Icarus Fell, down to the Sea, and there he Drowned, as One Cannot Take Heaven by Force...

Thus, in this BRILLIANT Song, and throughout the Kansas Albums, Kerry taught the Freemasonic Tradition of Teaching of Spiritual Growth in Increments, or Levels, Thirty Three to be exact, and thus, Seeking God is akin to Life, which cannot be Lived or Known in just a Day, but rather thru the EXPERIENCE of ALL Days, making Life a Journey...the Ultimate Journey to Discover God, and thus, Come to Know Ourselves...

And as the Lyrics point out, the Journey is Long, and is filled with Dangers, Pitfalls and Distractions, that can cause us to Lose Hope, which we must NEVER do...and this is why Kerry wrote the Tag lines for the Song...

'Carry on, you will always remember
Carry on, nothing equals the splendor
Now your life's no longer empty
Surely heaven waits for you

Carry on, my wayward son
There'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry, don't you cry no more

No more...'

The Tears of Joy come AFTER the Journey to God has been completed, so, in the meantime, Buckle Up my Buttercups, Tighten your Belts, and Cry No More Tears, as we MUST Cross the Finish Line, and Find God Within us...then, and Only then, can you Lay Your Weary HEAD to Rest, so again, for Now, don't you Cry No More, rather Continue on the Path of Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, which is Strait and is Narrow!

Enjoy this Absolute Classic Masterpiece of a Song,

Love, CF

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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