Save The World

1 year ago

What is the meaning of life?

I think it's revealed to us through our conscience,which is our inner sense of right and wrong,good and evil,better or worse,fair or unfair and just or unjust.
I believe our conscience is the gateway to the Holy Spirit ,or at least that's the best way I can explain it.
But We all know our conscience is real,whether one believes in God or not.

Some people might also call conscience the law of human nature.
But there are other parts of our nature that are in conflict with our conscience.

A few examples would be greed,hatred,selfishness and jealously .
It seems these examples are all related to the main culprit that conflicts with our conscience.
It is called pride, which is described as an inflated sense of self-importance or self-righteousness.

Pride is what makes us reluctant to admit it when we are are wrong as well as cause hatred,jealousy,lust for revenge,lust for money and lust for power.
Pride is what makes us unwilling to apologize,repent, forgive or show mercy to others.
Pride is what makes us think of excuses to try to justify something we know is wrong.

Pride can cause us to dislike people we don't even know who live thousands of miles away.
This is because we might feel proud of a certain "group" we think we belong to.
This "group "may be one that is based on race,religious denomination,a political party or some other chosen belief system that prevents one from questioning things and seeking truth.

Pride has enabled people in positions of power to convince others to willingly commit horrible acts of violence throughout history.
Some people have committed horrible acts of violence because they felt "shamed","dissed" or "disrespected".
In other words,someone or something has offended their sense or feeling of pride.
Maybe pride is the most destructive force to the human race and many people are not even aware that it exists.

But there is hope for us.
Just simply being aware of pride can help us.
We all have pride and every soul is a battlefield.
One simple victory over pride can help us.
Why not apologize to someone you have done wrong?
Why not forgive someone who has done you wrong?
What do you have to lose?Your pride.

Are you angry with a friend or family member?
Would you feel so angry with them if you were at their funeral?
Probably not,as you would most likely feel great compassion for them.
Why not give them compassion,mercy and forgiveness while they are still with us?

The golden rule says to treat others the way you would like to be treated.
What if you tried to live your life by the golden rule and treated others with kindness,forgiveness and mercy.
What if you admit and repent of your mistakes and the wrong things you have done ,said, and thought?
What if you swallow your pride and let your conscience be your guide to truth and to what is right or wrong.
In the end,do you actually think you would regret living this way?
You decide....…

What if We The People worldwide united behind the principles of truth/freedom/goodwill/integrity/humility/Non-Aggression Principle,the Golden Rule and voluntarily helping others?

We The People worldwide can make that "shining city on the hill" a really BIG city on a really big hill if We unite behind these principles and work together.

We the People worldwide could unite behind principles and become a force to make positive change. 
Internet and Social media and networking make this possible. 

The keyboard is mightier than the sword. 

We have a short time on this earth,which reminds me why truth,freedom,kindness,humility,forgiveness,goodwill and integrity are of the highest value.

Some may say you can’t save the world,but I would say "Why not try anyway?"
I’ve got nothing better to do,and hopefully neither does anyone else.

Peace on earth and goodwill to others is something we hear around Christmas time.
Much easier said than done,but I believe it's well worth the effort all year round.

Maybe Christ is waiting for enough people to unite behind the principles of truth,freedom,goodwill,integrity,humility,the Golden Rule and voluntarily helping others to become a force & make the world a better place.
"Thy kingdom come,Thy will be done,ON EARTH as it is in heaven"
Maybe then He will come back and say  "What took you guys so long?"

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