Biden Administration Proposes to Reduce Offshore Leases 😱

9 months ago

Biden Administration Proposes to Reduce Offshore Leases 😱

This is exactly what we do not need right now. The Biden Administration’s proposed offshore oil and gas leasing program for the next five years represents “the lowest offshore lease sales ever proposed by the Federal Government. It blocks leasing off the Alaskan Coast, the Atlantic Coast and the Pacific Coast” according to Foxnews. 😮

This effectively chokes off a valuable national asset when we need it most. Our economy is driven by energy resources. We need this oil and gas to fuel our economy. Our own Government has turned against us. We cannot rely on a replacement energy infrastructure that we do not have. When cheaper, more efficient energy sources are available the market will shift on its own. 💥

With the Government pushing us too fast in the wrong direction economic disaster is looming.👈👈👈

Here at Convention of States we have a solution as big as the problem.
An Article V Convention of States is called and controlled by the states and has the power to PROPOSE constitutional amendments. 💥

These are our three simple talking points.

1. Limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government (including the president)
2. Limit the terms of office for federal officials
3. Limit the ability of Congress and the president to spend and waste our hard-earned money, via a Balanced Budget Amendment.
What can you do?

Sign the petition: 👈

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