The U.S. commitment to the mutual defense treaty with the Philippines applies to the South China Sea

9 months ago

9/28/2023 【Exposing the CCP's Harassment in the South China Sea】Lindsey W. Ford,
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for South and Southeast Asia Department of Defense:
The credibility of our alliances is a bedrock part of global security. When it comes to our commitment to the mutual defense treaty with the Philippines, we believe it applies to any armed attack against Philippine armed forces, Philippine Coast Guard, public vessels and aircraft in the South China Sea. We will absolutely stand by those commitments.
#theSouthChinaSea #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
9/28/2023 【揭露中共在南海的骚扰的听证会】美国国防部负责南亚和东南亚事务的副助理国防部长林赛·福特: 我们联盟的信誉是全球安全的基石,当涉及到美国对菲律宾的共同防御条约承诺时,我们认为针对菲律宾武装部队、海岸警卫队、公共船只、飞机的武装攻击适用于南海,美国将恪守这些承诺!
#南海 #中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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