Thinking I Was Alone Until I Reviewed This Video.

8 months ago

So I have been being stalked and harassed by local crooks and I'm the only Caucasian in the hole neighborhood and may that's why I'm being targeted. Not one of my neighbors will help me with video footage I know they have. At first in the beginning of 2023 they were jealous women,who hated me and one of my sisters. But sense she has been gone I've been accused of stealing property. Well once I was able to identify one of the thiefs and all hell broke lloose. Because he just so happened to be a store thief who would know on these people Door's and they would buy the stolen item's. Well he is like alot apparently even though the local drinkers have confirmed him and his kind to be smoking Percocets
laced with fentanyl. Well this man Carlos aka loce has been the main one to break into my home and steal vandalizing my things on a daily. And taking screws and bolts out of my ceiling beams. Obviously to make this crash on my head. Now another that is in on it named Sal jasso and thier are more involved stealing my dad's roofing tools like air compressors and more expensive tools. The local dallas police don't care to help me. Maybe because of multiple reasons like one a very good man was cheated on by his high-school sweet hart and was still being the main care taker of his family while going to school. Well we dated and his Baby's mom is a police officer,same county. And few other things I can think of. Well ya they haven't done a darn thing except for accusing me of mental illness which I agreed to meet again and to take a test with they called it the right act for mental illness. I passed. So now I have been calling 911 but I have had them to still show up and harass me as well. When I called 311 for a request of heavier police presence. I been trying to contact a private investigator but not even thier not any luck. I can't shower,change,and nothing private without the lights being completely off and even then I have ptsd even more now because I have to chose to see my attacker or not be seen and violated. And especially sense I seen this video I have with out a doubt now know that most times I'm not just being paranoid for no reason. I can hear them in the attic and on the other side of my room. Which really sucks because they took down the top half of my wall that separated me from my father's tools. Can some one reach out to someone to help me get cover on this. Please or refer me a free private investigator because now I've lost all my side jobs and have been struggling like hell with my id. I'm so close but I feel they intend on holding me back to either kill me or just try and break me to become l I ke them. I'm holding on for dear life and I have faith but it's getting harder to remember any of the positive when I am having to make repairs every day because thier are more of them than of me. Oh my I don't want to give up on my life.

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